Spongebob gets meh!!!

dis is stupidz
so i was a intern at nickalodeon as fucking usal and obama was there making spongebob replaced with shrek for the next episode. and hitler was there and he gaves meh a tape named the krusty shit.
i went homes and put the fucking tape in meh vhs player and the vhs player fucked the tape and dis was duh episode.
duh episode-spongebob was on the krusty krab shitting on the roof and spongebobs shit landed on mr. krabs and spongebob started laughing. mr. krabs threw a brick at spongebob and spongebob died. and patrick jumped off a plane and landed on the sine and died. squidward was getting fucked by the mail men and mr. krabs chocked the mail man and a piano fell on mr. krabs for being a douche. squidward then laughed andd fapped and the krusty krab exploded in confeti and squidward fell down and look liked a bill bored. plankton then got hit by a brick and the episode ended with a pictur of doge the shiba meme.
i shitted meh pants and quitted nickalodeon and duh next day spongebob came and ate meh and i dieds.